Monday 22 April 2013

When a Team Dominates a test Series, things like this are Bound to Happen Author: Maaz; Views: 646; Date: 14-02-2012, 04:39;

1st ODI reaction

No Need to press the Panic Button

An observation

Just going by memory here:-

West Indies lost 4-0 during a test series in England in 2004 and won the Champions Trophy which 

Pakistan beat India in a test series in 2006 1-0 and then lost the ODIs 4-1

England were whitewashed 5-0 in the 2006/07 Ashes series and went on to win the triangular series which followed

England won the 2009 Ashes series at home 2-1 and lost 5-1 in the ODIs which followed

England won the 2010/11 Ashes series down under 3-1 and lost 6-1 in the ODIs which followed

South Africa won a test series in England in 2008 and lost 4 ODIs which followed 

Personally, I think there is bound to be complacency once you have won a high profile test series and it’s easy to take the foot off the gas and begin to take the opposition for granted once the major format is done with, especially when you win the series in such dominating style. Perhaps the ICC should start to schedule tours more with T20s and ODIs at the beginning rather than at the back end of the tour as a leading up process to the test series almost as a first look at the opposition. It can be seen as preparation for the series which really counts.

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