Saturday 27 April 2013

An Opportunity like No Other for Londoners Author: Maaz; Views: 203; Comments: ; Date: 18-07-2012, 03:58;

 london 2012 olympics

An Opportunity like No Other for Londoners

It was July 2005, shortly before the 7/7 attacks. I was on a primary school trip in London celebrating the near end of my primary schooling on the day of the official announcement when the news came through that London would be hosting the Olympic Games in 2012. We needed to raise £1200 to cover the coach costs for a week trip to Somerset as a class to teach us about living independently & all sorts of fund raising activities took place throughout the academic year to help us get the required total. Activities varied from cake sales to raffle draws. 

However, we had risen well beyond the required amount & therefore our class, class 6 and our teacher decided to give us a day trip to the capital city as a day out or end of term celebration on top of the week visit to the Northern part of country the previous month. The nation erupted into jubilation at lunch time when the news filtered through about London winning the right to host the games over countries like France. One of the best sporting spectacles was coming to the capital city, a once in a lifetime experience.

What followed the next day or two was catastrophic in every sense of the word. The Olympic Committee must have been scratching their heads as if they had made a regrettable error. Organisers must have been living in fear. Even the unforgettable illustrious Ashes series that summer was in doubt at a certain point, some Australian members openly expressing their concerns over the horrifying pictures we all saw on our television screens, while taking in our evening meal in the comfort of our own homes. Time has passed now, security has been tightened. 

Over the last 7 years the anticipation has been building with every week, month, year, and day. Hard work has been happening behind the scenes, preparation has been running smoothly, athletes have been training tirelessly to ensure they are in the best mental & physical condition for the event. The Olympics is another boost for the UK economy just like the Royal Wedding on April 29th 2011 & the recent Diamond Jubilee celebrations, marking the 60th anniversary of the queen or just celebrating the general importance of the monarchy in Britain. All eyes on London. 27th July, the date of the opening ceremony, could not come sooner for the athletes, tourists & British public.

There is no reason why Britain cannot put on a show like Beijing or Athens did, if not better, much better. If the weather holds up we could be in for an interesting couple of weeks in arguably the biggest sporting event on the globe, only the FIFA world cup can come anywhere close to matching the anticipation that is generated.

Recently the torch went past my town & the turnout was remarkable. This symbolises how much it means to so many. Hour anticipation is well worth the wait for catching a 10 second glimpse of the flame that will ignite Britain & be the centre of global focus in the forthcoming weeks. 

May the games begin & may the best men/women/team fulfil their ambitious dreams in what the London Mayor, Boris Johnson says is the ‘greatest city on Earth,’ despite all the rioting, looting & general uncivilised behaviour which dominated the headlines this time last year. Drama is a good thing in sport, but as long as it is limited to the event itself let it be on the track, pool, court, or field & not off it for unwanted reasons. Seb Coe & his colleagues will be hoping that this is the case here. Without further ado, may the games begin……

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