Saturday 27 April 2013

An Opening Ceremony to Remember Author: Maaz; Views: 301; Date: 28-07-2012, 06:02;

The Olympic Opening ceremony commenced the official beginning of the games in spectacular fashion yesterday evening.
Lighting up the world: The Olympic Games were opened in the most spectacular of fashion with a three-hour show celebrating all that is great about Britain and its past
The Olympic Opening ceremony commenced the official beginning of the games in spectacular fashion yesterday evening. The 30th Olympic Games and a record 3rd time Britain is hosting the 4 year cycle after their previous hosting experiences in 1912 and 1948 respectively had many dignitaries in attendance. Oscar winning director, Boyle was in charge of putting together the spectacle which looked back at a history of Britain and how it moved through the ages which was the theme Mr Boyle had selected to showcase to the global audience at the global gathering. The show which is described as the ‘greatest show on Earth’ did not fail to live up to the hype and pressures that come with it on a night to remember for Londoners. Sir Steve Redgrave had the honour of lighting the flame at the Olympic Stadium in Stratford. It was kept secretive and as many suspected it was the rower and 5 times Olympic Gold medallist who did the honours. The games have started with a bang and 17 days of eventful coverage follow.

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