Saturday 27 April 2013

Afghanistan at World T20 2012 Author: Maaz; Views: 455; Date: 13-09-2012, 01:18;

Afghanistan epitomise what is possible if you strive hard, believing in your abilities and go out to pursuit your dreams against the odds. This deserves our support and admiration.

So often the best stories in sport are not about the action or on field drama itself, but the lasting impact it can have in providing breakthroughs, overcoming obstacles and providing admirable stories to take away that can be applicable to the human spirit in several walks of life. The extraordinary rise of the Afghanistan cricket team ticks all of these boxes. It is only the 2nd time that their country is participating at world finals as a sporting team. Winning or losing, like many times in sport, is not necessarily the most important outcome, it’s about opportunity, participation and recognition as a side on a major world scale.

Afghanistan should relish and enjoy the challenge of playing against some of the biggest names in the world game. Just to be there and qualify for the event with all the turmoil back home, a lack of infrastructure and facilities, speaks volumes about their courage, ambitions and determination which has got them so far in such a short space of time. The long term goal as Taj Malik has stressed is to play in the world cup and that in the main 50 over format in the traditional 4 cycle as opposed to the 20 over world championship, which is admittedly growing in popularity, but not quite the biggest world finals in the sport.

With the manner in which they have risen and progressed, that should be achievable, maybe as early as 2015. Afghanistan has a chance to portray some of the positives of the war dominated land in a generation where Afghanistan being at the heart of conflict is the usual thing to expect when flicking on a Western news channel. Surely it gives those people, even if they have limited interest or knowledge about the game, a sense of pride and betterment. That can only be a rarity in this day and age. Test status and 50 over world cup has to be the next mission on the agenda. With more exposure and funding through their Twenty20 exploits, this can only lead to a forward step in achieving them.

Afghanistan epitomise what is possible if you strive hard, believing in your abilities and go out to pursuit your dreams against the odds. This deserves our support and admiration.

It’s an inspirational story with many fine chapters to follow in the years which lie ahead.

Karim Sadiq is the player to watch out for, a fearless belligerent clubber of the ball who opens and a handy off spinner.

The word ‘fearless’ is a common one when talking about the Afghanistan side, they are instinctively aggressive by nature and like to get on top with a dominating free playing mentality.
They start their campaign against India on the 19th from Colombo, who they made their international debut against during the 2010 WT20 in the Caribbean.

Major Achievements Up to now
-          Winning WT20 qualifier in 2010 in UAE
-          Runner up in WT20 qualifier in 2012 in UAE
-          Finalists of 2010 Asia Games

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