Tuesday 3 June 2014

Peter Oborne on Misbah

I feel Misbah supporters are giving too much unnecessary importance to the views of Peter Oborne. He is a political writer primarily. Cricket is not his specialty. He probably doesn't even have the time to watch much Pakistan Cricket. I see where he is coming from on Misbah, but it's just one little quote. Hardly a big deal.

Current Captain is the best Pakistan Captain I have seen and the best Pakistan Captain since the turn of the century. I would go far as saying, he has been the best Pakistan Captain in the last 20 years and I doubt we will get as accomplished a captain as him in the next 20 years without exaggerating. He is a great Pakistan Captain.

BUT to say he is better than Imran doesn't add up.

Imran Khan was Pakistan's best captain, still is and probably always will be.

No one can be Pakistan's best captain other than Imran. Maiden five Test Match series wins in India and England and drawing against the formidable West Indies will always put him in the lead.

Very honestly, you don't see experienced international experts putting Misbah in the top 5 captains of history do you? But with Imran you do.

One thing that Imran, Kardar and Misbah share is they have all captained in over half of their test playing career, only Pakistan captains to do so.

Imran - 48 tests as captain out of 88
Misbah - 27 tests as captain out of 46
Kardar - all 23 tests as Pakistan captain out of 23 (played 3 for India)


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