Wednesday 4 June 2014

Imran's Promotion Up The Order in 1992

Imran gets a lot of credit for promoting himself up the order in 1992.

However, had Inzamam not played a once in a lifetime type innings in Eden Park during the semi final, the same people would have questioned why he sent himself at 3 when he was badly out of form in the competition?

Imran in the 1992 World Cup Semi: 44 from 93 balls chasing 250+
Inzamam in the 1992 World Cup semi: 60 from 37 balls 

Without Inzamam, would it have been the same result? Highly unlikely. In fact, definitely no. 

Easier to give credit in hindsight.

Imran set up the innings, but Misbah detractors would never give credit for that unless they are being hypocritical as they'd never say the same about Misbah. 

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