Sunday 7 July 2013

Mohammad Hafeez - The Test Match Opener Author: Analyst Maaz; Views: 1132; Comments: ; Date: 23-02-2013, 09:29;

What you want from an opener, everything Hafeez doesn’t do:
1) Temperament to see the shine off the new ball
2) Make the bowlers earn you’re wicket, pride and respect you’re wicket preciously
3) Regularly be there after 25 overs so the change up bowlers or spinners cannot bowl with the pressure on the batting side when they are introduced into the attack
4) Play within your limitations
5) Have a clear game plan about how to approach proceedings
6) Concentration, old fashioned test match virtue
7) Patience, old fashioned test match virtue

Mohammad Hafeez is a joke of a test match opener against seam and swing of any real pedigree, particularly outside Asia

He has been most disappointing on this tour because:

A) He is one of 2 batsmen who have previous playing experience of red ball cricket in SA
B) He struggled here in 2007 in all 3 tests and hasn’t learn from his experience
C) He is the vice-captain of the side
D) In the absence of Taufeeq Umar he really needed to step up
E) He was supposed to be guiding a debutant in the first 2 tests

Luckily for him, he won’t have much to worry about as all of the tests in the next 3 years are in the sub-continent/UAE or against average test sides outside Asia like West Indies.

He has been one of the leading performers and presences in the sides road to redemption after 2010, however that is mainly in other formats and most of the games have been in more familiar conditions where his weaknesses are not going to be exposed as much.

Opening bowlers who can get it to move must be licking their lips at the site of him striding out to play away from his body, fall across straight ones, unable to curb his attacking instincts, in two minds about his plan of hanging around or getting after bowlers. 

He’s too tentative in his movements, doesn’t get forward or back with any positivity.

He’s not courageous or brave enough in his method of whether he’s going to stick it out the hard way with the attritional fare or get on top of the bowlers and impose himself and often gets caught in two minds.

He’s not one of those who give you the impression he is up for a battle or tussle with the bowler in a way of desperate defiant survival or living by the sword to seize the initiative.

I would like to see him in the side because of his leadership presence and reliable nagging handy off spin, HOWEVER not in the most important position as a specialist BATSMEN.

by @maza786 twitter

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