Sunday 7 July 2013

Congratulations Smith and Company Author: Analyst Maaz; Views: 308; Comments: ; Date: 18-02-2013, 14:35;

Everyone knows Pakistan were severely undercooked and underprepared for this series to even compete respectably. It’s like an analogy of a student in a school year that goes through the semesters without doing any work until a fortnight before the exams and then expects to pass. They even prepare more seriously for T20 tournaments than a high profile test series against a formidable side. As professional as the current lot are, they are not done any favours by a board that seems to not care about their test match status as much as England, Australia and South Africa do.

Shafiq's Ton

Asad Shafiq has class written all over him. He has the mastered the art of how to quietly reconstruct the innings when the side are up against it. Ideal for number 6, not a complete basher or a complete blocker. He knows when to hang in there and when to push on. He's playing the sort of innings VVS used to do for India.

Momentous moment for Shafiq to get his first ton outside Asia. 30 odd for 4 against the best attack in the world and Asad Shafiq survives for 70 overs to lift the morale in the camp for these 2 tests. Grace, elegance, wrist work and precious ability to withstand pressure.

Credit to Misbah and Mohsin for selecting Asad Shafiq, preserving with him when Yousuf was fit and available and then making the bold and right move of preferring him ahead of the likes of Umar Akmal for the number 6 position

SA Champions
We are playing the best side in the world in their own conditions. They are a skillful side and an accomplished one in more or less every department. We are playing in an environment that is unique and unusual for many of our players. Obviously, conditions have a bigger impact the longer the format. Cricket does not get harder than this. We might have lost 2-0, however we have also had our moments on this tour. We are up against the best number 1 side in the world game since Australia early 2000s; who are tipped to lead the way in the test arena for some time to come. Players require support and backing more than ever here. I repeat, cricket does not get harder than this.

6 series wins in a row
12 series without a series defeat
14 tests without defeat
5 test wins in a row
Yet to lose a test in their last 5 series
In admiration of what a proper number 1 side should be
South Africa are the best in the business and are set to have a long stay at the top
Calm down folks, India have lost their last 8 tests away from home

The vast majority predicted that Pakistan will give a better account of themselves in the 2nd test, but still doubted if they could win the test match on the poll we did at PCT. How right they were.

Bad Bad Day 4

The wicket was ideal; SA were a bowler down, our lot had a disastrous session. With the bat in hand on this tour we've either had a winning strong solid session of grinding out and accumulating steadily with only losing a maximum of 1 scalp (times 4) during it or have had a disastrous one where they’ve lost between 4 to 7 (times 4) wickets in quick succession.  If they could have avoided some of the more ‘disastrous’ sessions into ‘average’ ones, the visitors would have been better placed. 

Misbah was sweeping out of the rough and was taken at short fine leg when he could have kicked it away all day, gifted it away after scrapping hard for hours and it’s probably the worst shot he has ever played

Shafiq got a good one from Philander to break the last partnership with any degree of experience

Without covering the line Safraz was leaving one pitched in the foot holes and who leaves deliveries that are pitched in the rough by a left arm spinner who will always be turning it towards the line of the stumps from over the wicket? Instead you are supposed to be padding up to those deliveries by taking a big left stride or just letting it hit the pad once pitched outside the leg stump of a right hander if you are offering no stroke – School boy error 

Azhar lost his focus while wickets were falling at the other end and followed a typical Philander away swinger to nick off

Gul bagged his 3rd duck of the series by flashing at one without having a look

SA are 13-9 in sessions on this tour

1st test = 8-3 SA
2nd test = 6-5 Pak

Misbah and Azhar were well justified with their circumspect approach:

A) Need to take the innings deep to allow Ajmal to bowl on a wearing track by the time SA are in to make him most effective
B) Need to give the bowlers rest after 100 overs in the field, particularly with bowlers like Tanvir and Irfan who have fitness concerns and with the amount of bowling Ajmal did, so need to bat long here too
C) They need to preserve wickets for tomorrow so they can make most of a soft and old ball with more naturally free flowing batters to follow against tired down bowlers (Shafiq and Tanvir)
D) With a lead of only 12 they didn't have much to work with to force the issue with the bat
E) They both have the temperament, mental toughness and principled attitude to absorb pressure when they are bogged down, playing maidens and kept quite and know to how to play the waiting game and come out of it

Day 2 Post - How things can change ....
1) If it isn't swinging around corners, this is the most resolute, dependable, mentally tough and relentless batting unit out there nowadays. Point that Kepler raised. If it isn't doing much, we are a tough side to bowl out and know how to keep them in the field for long with batsmen like Azhar, Younis, Misbah, Asad

2) We are track to do something extraordinary, a test win and possibly a comprehensive one outside Asia against a higher ranked side who are the best in the rankings and the best on paper. A series win was always going to be way too much to ask for, but a test win here would have been bigger than series wins in the UAE and Asia. It doesn't get harder than this at test level. Test Match Win Number 10 coming for Misbah, but still a bit to do. The series is still ON

3) They've recovered exceptionally well from the 49 all out. Last 2 innings have lasted for more than 100 overs/3 sessions and we've had 4 50+ partnerships and 2 100+ ones. Given the attack they are playing against, this takes some doing. Only the top 3 are left to make a score of note now.

4) Tanvir Ahmed and Saeed Ajmal having the Tim Bresnan and Graeme Swann effect 

Refreshing to see the lower order wagging

Heavily frustrating for the Saffers

This could turn out to be a match winning partnership, both in the context of the game and affecting the SA batters mentally

Tanvir also got 50 odd in his last test back in May 2011

5) 1995 was the last time we beat a number 1 side in their backyard in a test match

By Abdullah @maza786 on Twitter

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