Wednesday 28 May 2014

King Misbah Facebook Page

There aren't many very good Facebook fan pages of Pakistan Cricketers for genuine cricket discussion. They weren't designed for that. Understandably, none are that serious in discussing, debating and analysing the game or posting in depth stats. Why this page has been different to other Facebook Fan Pages of Pakistan Players:

- No family pictures asking for "how many likes for he and his wife and he and his daughter etc"
- Very little photos, videos, links and one line statuses. 
- Detailed cricketing posts 
- Emphasis on Test Cricket first and foremost 
- Never used informal internet language in describing posts 
- Take a great deal of pride and effort in our posts
- Albums are all neatly organised 
- Posts are all in a formal serious tone
- Admins are not immature teenagers still learning about the game like other pages, experienced bloggers and viewers  
- We don't go off topic. Posts relate to Misbah and Misbah only. Sometimes talk about other players but that's because we are talking about captaincy and selection, relating to Misbah. 
- Never promoted this page. People come if they want to read our views. They are free to leave if they want. Whether 0 people are reading or 500 people are reading, we like to be able to store our thoughts on a public platform and write passionately. 
- Don't promote other pages on here. 
- Longevity: 3 years, still running
- Twitter account directly linked to the page which is where all posts are stored 

In fact this page was designed as a place to store our thoughts about a player we rated in high regard and as evidence that we have backed him throughout. Posts were always going to be formal, factual and many of them long. Admittedly, lots of posts on this page can be long and boring to read unless you have an in depth enthusiasm and understanding of cricket or enjoy reading what I have to say. This page is more like a blog than a Facebook fan page. Whether there were 200 fans or 10,000 fans didn't matter. 

The day Misbah plays his last game this page will no longer be active. It can be used as an archive of his remarkable journey during the captaincy years or reflecting on the prolific tenure and the posts which have been written in doing so. All good things have to come to an end eventually.

Why do we bother? What have we get out of doing this for so long? The answer is Satisfaction, by showing our appreciation of a formidably consistent server of Pakistan Cricket in challenging times. Also, I'm not one for idolising individual players too much. I watch cricket as a cricket fan first and foremost above anything, not as a Misbah fan or as a Pakistan supporter.  Love of the game comes before anything else. It's important to have your own individuality. Hence, on this page I am trying show my individual assessment of a player and how accurate I have been in my rating of Captain Misbah. Also, how much knowledge I have about him. Personally, would love to write a biography on him one day. That's how many in depth thoughts I have about him and how closely I have observed and studied his career. I could write endlessly about him. 

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