Thursday 24 April 2014

A Special Captain

Men of the class, credentials and calibre of the Captain don't come around often. As long as he can play to even a quarter of what he is doing right now and wants to do the job, they need to make the most of having him around. Whether he is 42 or 43 whatever would not matter a bit. We cannot discriminate against age. The fact that he is the oldest Pakistan player in one day cricket ever and oldest Pakistan Test cricketer in last 60 years means he is an exception to the rule. He is an articulate man and will know when it is best to leave better than anyone. That will be a sad day of course, one of the most saddest, but any sane mind hopes that day is a long way away.
Previously a few years ago I used to say Misbah was the second best Pakistan Captain or certainly had the qualities and potential of the second best Pakistan Captain, of all time. Some people used to agree with it, others thought it was exaggeration and laughed it off. Now that is a much more more common view with every win. My personal view is anyone who disagrees with this view of second best Pakistan Captain being Misbah, does not have a clue what they are talking about.

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