Tuesday 7 August 2012

Aim For 2015 says Warner and Amla Author: Maaz; Views: 140; Date: 7-08-2012, 04:26;

David Warner and Hashim Amla have urged the current crop of U19 cricketers currently in Australia for the World Cup to aim high and set their sights on targeting participating in the 2015 World Cup in less than 3 years’ time which will also take place in Australia/New Zealand as it returns to the Oceania continent after 23 years.

From the 2008 U19 CWC, Virat Kohli, the winning captain played his part in India’s triumphant 2011 campaign 3 years later. Similarly Ahmed Shehzad who played in the 2010 edition was part of the Pakistan squad for the 2011 50 over world sub continental world cup. Junaid Khan was also part of the 2008 edition and found a place in the Pakistan 15 man squad for the world cup in 2011.

Many of the current crops of players are bound to represent their countries in the next 50 over world cup and a strong showing over the next 3 weeks could play a vital part in making a successful transition from the youth to the senior side, even if it is not to be in the immediate future, but the youngsters can be rest assured that their performances will be followed and observed closely from some important figures in their respective cricketing institutions.

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