Sunday 4 April 2010

Is T20 Worthwhile?

Is T20 Worthwhile? [PP Essay Competition - Entry #6]

by BoomBoomCricket

Is T20 really "a cricket" as the former legendary Pakistani fast bowler, Waqar Younis may say during one of his commentary bluffers! T20 has been an exciting, entertaining, exhilarating format for some diehard fans of the game. It has been an overwhelming dream or sporting revolution for them. However, is this a worthy cricketing contest at the end of it all?

T20 commenced in June 2003 in the county scene and since then has gone global and made considerable progression. The game is a dynamic, fast paced, action-packed format which shall take one's vision by storm! Is there any better way of entertaining yourself for an evening of sporting action? It allows players to express themselves, expressive cricket and allows them to unleash their instincts in front of a packed electrifying crowd. The atmospheric surroundings are simply mind-blowing. It's a motivational stage to play in given the feedback from the players and thereby a worthwhile one to watch for spectators, even if you are a mediocre fan!
In addition, many modern skills which are flourishing through the ranks in leaps and bounds are exposed in this game such as dil scoop, paddle sweep and direct hits. Thereby, one can't simply underestimate the skill factor in this format as players need to practise, perfect and develop these attributes if they ought to succeed. Modern innovations represent the bounty of uniqueness, flamboyance and dynamisms.

We often regard captaincy in cricket as the most important out of all the vast numbers of sports there are in this day and age. In T20 cricket a captain's character and credentials are challenged like no other format. Captains have to make decisions under extreme critical pressure and if they make the smallest of wrong choices they could have thrown away a game potentially. Field setting, the manner in which bowlers are alternated and the way the batting line up is adjusted to set a target or chase down a score are just some of the several crucial aspects involved.

Many would have initially thought that spinners would be the so called "fools" in the format. However, they have thrived remarkably like demon figures and in a way outclassed the pacers. They have played an influential role in the middle over's of an innings and talking as a whole, been very reliable and wicket taking operators. Some would remark that they have been more threatening than the seamers. Certainly they need the ability to think smartly, vary their pace and apply pressure against the batsmen in order to create wicket taking opportunities and subsequently slow down the run rate. Therefore, spinners also have their say and can make an impact!

In cricket one would like good competition which is demonstrated in the format as we frequently see matches go down to the wire in a nail biting clash! This is gripping drama and a great advert for the game.

However, others might argue differently. T20 can be a so called "lottery" when matches are at the climax stages because its dicey cricket and it's all about who can cope with the pressure and hold their nerve when it matters most which some conservative fans will say is just simply and truly misleading the meaningfulness and overall purpose of cricket. Furthermore, baseball accusations have been voiced by some players like Javed Miandad.

My response to such an argument would be, the "lottery" firstly, that makes teams increasingly aware of seizing moments in the early part's of the matches and being able to play under pressure is a skill in itself which are also seen in other worldly publicised sports like a penalty shoot in a decisive football game in which it can go either way and has got mixed opinions amongst the fans of the game and general public as it's not necessarily the fairest or squarest of rules for settling a game but has to be done nevertheless if the circumstance arises. As far as Miandad is concerned, T20 isn't mindless slogging by any means of the imagination. Obviously you have to be prepared to take risks and chance your arms but you have to take those quick singles and just build your innings accordingly as Cameron White, the Australian batsmen has stated in the past. Being able to identify balls which are hittable or not and picking gaps can be classified as attributable. Movement of feet , transfer of weight and body positioning aren't seen in baseball just to consolidate on my slamming of Miandad's thoughtless accusation.

Overall, I feel T20 has really revolutionized the game and improved cricket's image radically during the 21st century. This is obviously highly significant and pleasing from an administrators point of view as well as for players and supporters. Players want to be able to participate in a packed atmosphere with a considerable amount of people watching the telecast too because they are professionals after all and want to be able to demonstrate their talents on the centre stage as they have worked hard for earning the sporting professional status. For supporters you want to see that people are watching the action too with an abundance of enthusiasm, energy and passion otherwise it will seem lifeless and lacklustre to watch. Thereby, everyone involved directly or not benefits from this all round cycle, who would could ask for much more?